Poker Game In World Series of Poker you can bet up to seven million dollars in a 'hand'
Series began in Las Vegas in 1970, after a marathon five months. The 'Fossil' champion 2004, says play up to 30 times per hour.
The Rio hotel in Las Vegas (USA), people seem more mad money than the other casinos in the city of the game. Moreover, you can smell the desperation for money: The records of the 5,619 players competing in the World Series of Poker (World Series Poker) sound with fury through rage of losing.
And it hurts, every competitor has to pay $ 10,000 to get there, each in its own way, he falls and breaks blessings brain with strategies for getting this July 15, the jackpot $ 7.5 million. So Toby Maguire, 'Spider-Man', the most famous competitor, fell into the web of bets ... and lost.
Many recover the investment, the player holding the box 560 will leave with $ 12,500. And there from celebrities como Jennifer Tilly, candidata al Oscar en 1994 por Balas sobre Broadway, quien venció a 600 rivales en el torneo femenino y ganó 158 mil dólares, hasta estrellas del póquer llamadas 'el Bocón', el 'Expreso de Oriente' y otras joyas dignas de futbolista de barriada.
Editor de Entretenimiento
Las Vegas (E.U.)