Tuesday, October 9, 2007
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agatsu: Victoria on itself.
AGE: Ascending. AI
AME (YAME): Enough.
HANMI AI (AI Hammi): Position of Uke and Nage guard with the same feet in front (eg, both in Migi kamae).
AI: Union, harmony.
AIKI NAGE: Scan using the whole body in a position to bank. " AIKI
Otoshi: Uke Raise the knees, then dropping it. AIKI
TAIS: Individual exercises coordination, physical and mental development specific to the flow of Ki. AIKI
: Join energies.
Aikido: Way of harmony with universal energy.
Aikidoka: A practitioner of Aikido.
AIKIKAI "Aiki Association" created by the founder to spread Aikido. AI
NUKE: Escape or mutual preservation.
AI UCHI: Hit or mutual destruction. ANZA
: How to sit with legs crossed.
Arigato: Thank you. ASHI
SABAKI: Work, footwork. ASHI
: Foot, leg, step. ATAM
gaeshi: Lever in the neck; variation Men Nage.
ATAM: Head.
ATE WAZA: Techniques to strike vulnerable points of the body.
ATE: Beat by hand, fist or hand in a position to strike.
ATEMI: Trouble in a vulnerable region of the body of the enemy. ATO
NO SEN: "After the first." Techniques to respond to the attack and executed. AWAS
HO: Exercise training to synchronize with the Uke. AWAS
: "Mirror" / How to move in sync with the Uke. AYUMI ASHI
: normal Andar alternating both feet (with the fingertips out).
BO: Long Staff.
Bodhimanda: Where the ego to ego becomes a self without ego.
BOKKEN (BOKUTO): wooden replica of a katana for training.
BU: Designates what martial arts means of war. The kanji "bu" is derived from two characters: "stop" (Todomeru) and "spear" (Hoko); together, ironically, means "to stop arms." BUDO
SEISHIN: The Spirit of Budo. BUDO
"martial way." Way of personal perfection through the martial arts by integrating body-mind-spirit.
Bugei: Arts fight.
BUJUTSU: combat techniques. BUSHI
Warrior, Samurai. BUSHIDO
"Road Warrior" / code of ethics or code of honor of the Samurai.
CHI: Tierra / Wisdom, intelligence.
CHIBURI: Movement of the Katana to clean the blood after cutting the enemy.
CHIKA MA: Short distance.
: esoteric practice to develop and unite with the Ki.
CHOKUSEN: Direct, as in "chokusen irimi not" go straight.
CHU: Loyalty. CHUDAN
TSUKI: Beat at medium altitude.
CHUDAN: Middle part of the body or middle position.
Chushin: Center itself, in particular the center of balance.
daimyo, feudal Lord (governor of a castle or territory).
DAN: Degree or category.
OF AI: The timing of Nage and Uke meeting during the procedure.
deshi: Apprentice.
DO: Way, way, way, way, way of moral or ethical behavior. Derives from the Chinese "Tao" / costs (eg: Do Giri: Cut the side). DO NOT
Session: Training the middle the body.
DOJO: DO (way, way, way), JO (place, room, center): a place where you can practice route.
Doka: Poems teaching. DOMO ARIGATO
GOZAI MASHITA: Thank you (addressed to someone of great respect.) DORI
(TORI): Holding.
Doshi: Man of the Way (min. 2 º Dan).
DOSHU: "He who shows the way." Director head of a great movement.
Dozo: "Please." Used with the meaning of "please run" or "please stop you."
EKITAI: Forms of intuition in Aikido training, defending. Engi
: Origin interdependent (Buddhist philosophy).
ERI DORI: Grasp the flap. ERI
: Tab.
fudoshin: Mind unmovable and unshakable.
FUKUSHIDOIN: A formal title meaning roughly "Assistant Instructor" (2nd and 3rd. Dan).
FUNAKOGI: Rowing to strengthen hips and stability. FURY
KABURI: Motion to lift the back.
FURITAMA: Exercise for the settlement of KI which draws power from the hands and swaying in front of the Centre.
FURITSUKI: Thrust, slash violent (usually a knife).
FUTARIGAKE (FUTARIDORI): Techniques against several attackers at once.
gaeshi (Kaeshi): Counterattack / Revert. Gaeshi
WAZA (Kaeshi WAZA): Technical countermeasures.
GAKU: Calligraphy hung vertically on a wall.
Garami: Rolling, interlaced. GEDAN
KAMAE NO: Guard with hands or arms lowered. GEDAN
TSUKI: Blow to the lower body.
GEDAN: Lower part of the body or down position. GENKI
: Vigor. GERI
(KERI): Kick.
GI: Honor, justice.
: Strength training.
GO NO SEN: Concrete, solid ground. At which UKE has taken.
GO: Five.
Gokyo (UDE NOBASHI): Fifth teaching. Stretching his arm. Gomen
KUDASAI: Please, do you authorize?. Gyaku
HANMI (Gyaku Hammi) guard position Uke and Nage with several feet in front (if Uke has the right foot forward, nage has the left foot or vice versa). Gyaku
: Crusader.
Hachi: Eight.
HAI: Yes
HAISHIN UNDO (SHUMATSU DOSA): Stretching and bending of the back, generally used for relaxation at the end of the class. HAJIME
: Start, to start.
Hakam: Skirt - pants that Keiko Aikidoka worn over the gi. Our school is reserved for black belts.
HANMI (Hammi): Position of the body. HANMI
HANTACHI WAZA: Techniques where Uke standing and Nage attack receives kneeling attack.
HANSHI: The man who thinks and discovers (highest degree in martial arts).
HANTAI: In reverse order. HAPP
GIRI: Exercise cutting in eight directions. HAPP
UNDO: Ikki Exercise undo (Kokyu ho) in eight directions.
Happen: 8 directions. The connotation is real movement in all directions.
HARA (SEIKA Tanda, CENTER, NO SEIKA ITTEN, POINT ONE): Belly. Focal point physical and mental energy center of all human beings.
haragei: Art of developing Hara. NO KAMAE HASSO
"figure of eight Guard." The number 8 is represented by a kanji that looks like a gable roof, similar to the position arms in the guard.
Hazumi: Run a move with the body, with skill, technique. Heiki
: Fairness. HENKA
WAZA: variant of a technique.
HENKA: Change, variation, another way of doing.
DORI: Hold the elbow.
Hiji: Elbow.
HIJITSU: Secret Technique.
Hiza: Knee.
HO: Exercise.
HO-Jutsu: Art of Sound formulations as a basis or means of access to a state of higher consciousness.
Honbu Dojo: main Dojo.
Honbu: Central.
HYOSHI: Rate of action, rhythm, rhythm integration. Sense of timing, timing.
IAIDO: Ancient Art, which focuses on the perfection of the initial movement of the sword. Swordplay to achieve draw, cut and sheathing harmoniously integrated with a single movement. ICHI
: One
IKI: Willpower.
ikkyo (IKKAJO, UDE Osae): First teaching. Pinching of the arm on the floor.
Inazuma: lightning.
IOSHI: Indication of "prepare." IRIMI
ISSOKU: Login with a single step. IRIMI
NAGE: Technique Uke projection coming from the front. Tenke IRIMI
: Enter and turning.
IRIMI: Enter the opponent, go ahead.
JINJER: Shinto shrines. There is an Aiki Jinja in Iwama Ibaraki Prefecture, Japan.
Jiyu Waza (JIJU WAZA): Apply free (preconceive) attack and defense techniques. JO DORI
: Defense against attacks handsfree staff (Jo). JO
Jutsu: Art of the stick.
JO: Cane wood shorter than Bo (approx: 1.5 m) / Place, room, central (eg Dojo). Jodan Tsuki
: Strike chest up.
Jodan: upper body or upper position. FUCK
: Via spiritual path cane or walking stick.
Joseki: Left to Kamiza. JU NAN
SEI: Flexibility. JU NO
KEIKO: Training of flexibility and fluidity. JU NO
RI: Principles or rules of flexibility.
JU: Ten / Flexible, soft, soft.
Juji Garami: Technical across Uke's arms exerting leverage on one of them. Juji
: Crusader. Jumbie
TAIS (Jumbie UNDO): Gymnastics Warm up before practice.
jutai: flexible forms of training.
Jutsu (Jitsu): A technique or set of techniques.
KA: Fire.
Kaiki: Lost life.
Kaiser Founder. In Aikido this title belongs to O Sensei.
KAITEN: Roll. Kakari
GEIKO: Exercise which repeats the same technique in series with several people.
KAKE (Gake): Implementation of the technique.
KAMAE (range): Guard.
KAMI: Deity.
KAMIZA (Joza): Seat of the gods, next to the Dojo where you will find the picture of O-Sensei and the altar.
KAN: intuitive perception.
KANCHA: Head of a Dojo.
KANJI: Symbol or Chinese ideogram.
KANNAGARA: State of alignment with the divine in all aspects of life. KANSETSU
WAZA: Techniques in the joints. KARA
: Vacuum (ie Karate: empty hand).
KATA DORI: Grab a front shoulder.
KATA: stylized Joint / Shoulder.
Katai: Hard, rigid, stiff. KATAMARAN
WAZA (Gatame Waza): Techniques of immobilization / submission on the floor or mat. KATANA
Gake: Furniture to display swords. KATANA
: Sable Japanese. DORI Katata
USHIRO KUBI SHIME: Turn on the wrist, Nage lag behind and strangle him. Katata
DORI: Grab the wrist (same side). KATSU
JIN KEN: The sword that saves life, referred to spare the lives of our enemy.
KATSUHAYABI: Victoria immediately.
KEIKO GI (GI DO GI) training attire. KEIKO
: Practice, Training. KEN
: Espada.
Kendo: Japanese sword fencing (Way of the sword).
Kenjutsu: Art of the saber.
Kensho: Lighting. AWAS
KI: It is a predisposition that allows us to develop awareness, educating our reflexes. Harmonization of KI. How to adapt our action to the opponent, in harmony with its strength and direction. KI
MUSUBI: Harmonize with KI joining his opponent. UNDO
KI: Ki Exercises preparation. WO
DASU KI: Ki Projecting outward. KI WO
Kiru: Cut Ki. KI WO
Neru: Training of our Ki.
KI: Life force or universal energy / mind, spirit, intention. Derived from the Chinese term "Ch'i". Has the same connotation as the term Pranna (Sanskrit).
KIAI: Cry of the spirit. Cry to unify the body and spirit, energy discharge. KIHON
WAZA: Basic.
KIHON: Bases, fundamentos, principios.
KIRITSU: Indicación de levantarse después del saludo.
KISOKU: Prolongar la respiración.
KISSAKI: La punta de la Katana.
KITAI: Forma de crear la oportunidad de ataque o respuesta.
KITO: Caer y levantarse.
KODACHI: Réplica de madera del Wakizashi utilizada para entrenar.
KOH: Piedad.
KOHAI: Estudiante menos antiguo que uno mismo.
KOHO: Atrás.
KOI GUCHI: Orificio de la vaina de la Katana.
KOKORO: Corazón, sentimiento, sensibilidad.
KOKYO RYOKU: Poder de la respiración.
KOKYU HO: Método o ejercicio de respiración.
KOKYU NAGE: Técnicas de proyección respiratoria. Kokyu
: Respiration. Literally breathe (KO) and inspire (KYU). KOSA
DORI (KOSA Katata DORI; AI DORI Katata HANMI): Grab the wrist of the opposite side. Ex: Right Hand Uke takes right hand Nage.
Koshi (Goshi): Hips. Koshi
NAGE: Screening with the hip.
Kotai: Change. KOTE
gaeshi: Lever on the wrist twisting.
KOTE: Doll.
Kototama (kotodama): esoteric practice of intoning various sounds for the purpose of producing mystical states.
KU: Void. KUBI
SHIME: strangulation on the neck.
KUBI: Neck.
KUMI JO: Jo training pairs. KUMI
TACHI: Training saber in pairs.
KUMI: Cross arms.
Kurai: Awareness.
kuzushi: imbalance, unbalance.
KYOSHI: Teacher, instructor transmitting (at least 5 º Dan).
KYU: Nine (KU) / Inspire / beginner grades are distinguished by the color of the belt.
Kyudo: Art of Archery.
KYUSHO: Vulnerabilities of the human body.
Number: Distance to fight properly.
MA: Distance.
: Front. MAKOTO
: Unit word and deed, to remain a true order of the universe. Masakatsu
: True victory.
MAWASHI: In a circle. NAGE MEN
: Projection head.
MEN: Head.
Menkyo Kaiden: Title or teaching certificate.
metsuke: Mirada.
MIGI: Right.
misogi: Purification ritual.
MIZU: Water.
Mochin: Disciple.
mokuso: "Meditation." Sitting in Seiza, focusing, and seeking physical and mental drive.
Morote Dori (Dori Katata Ryota MOCHI): Catch a wrist with both hands.
MU: Void.
mudansha: Student Kyu grading (no black belt).
MUNE DORI: Take the chest.
MUNE: Chest.
MUNEDAN: solar plexus area. Mushin
: Literally "no mind."
MUSUBI: The process of unification of opposites. His constant is change.
NAFUDAKAKE: Panel on which the names of practitioners in the Dojo.
Nagar: Fluid.
NAGE WAZA: Techniques projection. NAGE
: Whoever designs, which runs the techniques (TORI) / Forecast. NEN
: Concentration, thought - now, unidirectionality.
NI: Two.
Niky (NIKAJO, KOTE MAWASHI): "Second teaching" lever on the wrist in a semicircle.
O 'SENSEI: "Great Teacher." Morihei Ueshiba, founder of Aikido.
O: Honorable, Great, Great.
: Ahead. Reliza technique in front of Uke.
Omotokyo: "Teaching the great source." Religion practiced by O 'Sensei, which amalgamated to Shintoism, mysticism, Christianity and Japanese folk religions.
onegai shimasu: "Please," "I welcome you to train me." Osae
WAZA: Techniques of restraint.
Osae: imprisoned in the ground lobby.
OSOI: Indication of "slow, slow"
OTOGAI NI REI: greeting among students.
OTOMENRYU: Prohibition to communicate or transmit knowledge or technical through writing.
Otoshi: Dropping, to fall to the ground.
Randori: Performance of multiple attack and free response. REI
: Greetings. Indication of "health." Reigi
WAZA: Techniques chains. Nage combination made with a different technique, changing the direction of the initial imbalance. Renshi
: The man who knows.
Ripper: Moving with the same foot in advance.
RITSUREI: Greeting foot.
ROKI (UDE hijiki): Sixth teaching. Lock the exercising arm at the elbow lever.
Roku: Six.
Ronin Samurai without a master or lord. Wandering Samurai.
RYO KATA DORI: Grabbing both shoulders from the front. RYO
TE DORI: Holding both wrists. RYO
TE: Both hands. KEIKO
RYU NO: Training effectiveness.
RYU: School (system) of a martial art.
SABAKI: Displacement, dodge.
SAMURAI: "Server", a warrior in the service of a feudal lord. SAN
Three / Honorable, Lord.
SANKAKUTAI: triangular position, which allows stability and potential mobility of the body. SANKYO
(SANKAJO, KOTE HINERI): "Third teaching." Lever rotating wrist.
SATORI: state of enlightenment. Satsu
JIN KEN: Enmig destruction or death.
SAYA: Scabbard of the Katana. SAYU
UNDO: Moving arms and turning sideways, with concentration on the lower edge of the arms and palms up. SEI
: Strength, power, vitality, calmness, serenity.
Seiko: The fist naturally.
SEIKI: Spirit - Energy.
Tanren: Training of the mind, spirit and character.
Seite: Student.
SEIZA: traditional Japanese sitting position with knees bent under the body.
Senpai - Kohai: Value important old student - new student in martial arts.
SEN NO SEN: "First things first. Ability to sense the attack and to anticipate the other.
SEN: Positive / Initiative, first.
senpai: Student superior to oneself.
SENSEI NI REI: Salute between teacher and students.
SENSEI: Teacher or teacher, "he who goes before."
SETSUZOKU: Connection. SHI
: Four (YON) / Person.
shidoin: A formal title meaning roughly "Instructor" (4th and 5th. Dan).
SHIHAN: A formal title meaning roughly "Master Instructor", "Instructor of Instructors." SHIHO
NAGE: Screening in four directions. SHIHO
Four directions.
SHIKAKU: Blind spot.
SHIKI: Value.
Shikka; roller, Samurai walking.
SHIME: Strangulation.
Shimoseki: Right to Kamiza.
SHIMOZA: Kamiza opposite side. SHIN SHIN
Shugyo: Training the mind and body. SHIN
: Mind, spirit.
SHINOGI: ridges on the blade of the sword.
Shintai: Movement straight.
SHINTO: The Way of the Gods. Folk religion of Japan (Shintoism).
SHINZO: The place of the altar in the Dojo.
Shisei: Attitude alert (guard position).
shizentai: Position or natural body posture.
SHO: Front / Top / Writing. SHOBU
AIKI: The wisdom of life through the practice of Aikido.
SHODAN: First degree black belt.
SHODEN: By writing. SHOMEN
NI REI: Welcome to the founder of the discipline. SHOMEN
UCHI: Blow up and down front.
SHOMEN: Facing the top of the head. Also so-called head of a dojo.
notes: Conserve energy. Shut
: Blow dry with knife hand.
SICHI (NANA): Seven. Sode Dori
: Decision sleeve below the elbow.
Sode: Manga. Sotai
DOGA (Sotai Renshu): Exercises in pairs.
SOTO: Exterior, from "outside."
suburi: Individual Exercise repeatedly hit and attack with Jo or Bokken, to improve performance. SUKASHI
WAZA: Techniques carried out without allowing the attacker to complete a take or initiate a coup. SUKI
: A gap or opening in which one is vulnerable to attack or application of a technique. SUMI
Otoshi: Dropping Uke aside.
SUMI: corner, angle, corner. Sutemi
WAZA: Techniques of sacrifice.
sutemi: Literally "to throw the body." Suwari
WAZA: Techniques with Nage and Uke knees.
suwari: Sitting.
SUWATTE: Sit in Seiza.
TACHI DORI: handsfree Defense against sword attacks. TACHI
WAZA: Techniques foot.
TACHI: Sword / Standing.
Tai Jutsu: "Arts of the body, ie unarmed. NO HENKA
TAI (TAI NO HENK): Change of Hanmi.
TAI NO SEN: At the same time. Login to intersect the attack. TAI
SABAKI: circular movement or displacement. TAKEMUSU
AIKI: An expression of the founder, "infinitely generative martial art of Aiki".
TAKEMUSU: "Marcial - creative." TAMA
HIREBURI NO: Vibration running his hands together in front of the abdomen, left hand up right.
TAMA: Alma.
Session: Abdomen.
TANINZUGAKE: Training against multiple attackers, usually attacks grip. SO
DORI: handsfree Defense against knife attacks.
SO: Knife.
TATAMI: mats for practice. TATE
: Get up. TE
SABAKI: circular movement of the hands.
TE: Hand.
tegatana: "Hand sword", ie the edge of the hand. Tekubi
SHINDO: Exercises capillary shaking hands. Arms are raised and carefully shake hands, then lower their arms to relax. Tekubi
UNDO: Stretching and preparation for the dolls.
tekubi: Forearm, wrist.
TEN: Heaven. Tenchi
NAGE: Technique of "projection of Heaven and Earth." TENKAI
ASHI: Turn the body without walking. Tenke
: Rotate the body back. Movement in which the body rotates to dissipate the force.
Tenshin: A movement in the form circular. Nage retrocede 45° fuera del ataque (hacia el lado abierto del Uke).
TENUGI: Pañuelo.
TO MA: Gran distancia.
TOBI: Saltar.
TOKUI WAZA: Técnica o movimiento favorito de un Aikidoka.
TORI: Quitar, tomar (DORI) / El que ejecuta la técnica defensiva (NAGE).
TSUBA: Protector del puño de la espada.
TSUGI ASHI: Paso de seguimiento, andar manteniendo siempre el mismo pie por delante.
TSUKI: Golpe de puño frontal.
TSUKURI: Preparación de la postura para ejecutar la técnica.
UCHI DESHI: Estudiante quien vive dentro del dojo.
UCHI: por "dentro" (Interior) / Golpe.
UCHIKOMI: Trouble in the air. EDU
UNDO FURY: Exercise circular movement of the arms together.
NAGE (Juji NAGE): Screening exercise lever arm at the elbow, back. UESHIBA
KISSHOMARU: Son of the founder of Aikido.
Morihei Ueshiba, Founder of Aikido (O'Sensei and Kaiser). UESHIBA
Moriteru: Grandson of the founder. Current Doshu. UKE
(AITE): The attacking and get defensive technique. One who is lying.
UKEMI: "Receiving with by the body." Art of falling in response to a technique without injury.
UNDO: exercise, practice. URA
"behind", "background." Technical conducted behind of Uke. USHIRO
DORI (USHIRO Hagai SHIME): Hug from behind. DORI Katata USHIRO
KUBI SHIME: From behind, choke with the forearm and wrist making. USHIRO
KUBI SHIME: Choke from behind with a forearm. RYO USHIRO
HIJI DORI: From behind, making the two elbows. RYO KATA DORI USHIRO
: Grabbing both shoulders from behind. DORI tekubi USHIRO
RYO (USHIRO Ryota DORI): From behind, grabbing both wrists. Our school is also used: USHIRO tekubi DORI. TORI USHIRO
UNDO: Exercise by which projects forward to an opponent who embraces us behind. USHIRO
UKEMI: Fall back, back.
USHIRO WAZA: Techniques of defense against attacks from behind.
USHIRO: Back or behind.
Uwagi: Saco.
WA: Former Japanese word meaning harmony, agreement, coordination.
WAKA-SENSEI: Young Master, usually the son of Doshu, and who will replace him in office.
WAKISASHI: Sable short.
WAZA: Technique.
YAME: Stop.
YANG: Positive polarity or representation of the active force.
YAWARAKAI: Soft, relaxed, flexible.
YIN: negative polarity or representation of the passive force.
I KI: Growing energy.
YOKO MEN UCHI: Strike diagonal downward move forward, to the temple or neck.
YOKO MEN: Lateral head. YOKO
UKEMI: Drop side.
YOKO: Side.
YOMI: Intuit, predict, guess. Nonverbal communication.
Yonkyo (tekubi Osae): Fourth teaching. Retention by the forearm.
YU KI: Courage.
YUDANSHA: Aikidoka Dan grade.
YUKURI: Slowly.
ZA: Sitting, sitting, seat.
ZANSHIN: complete and continuous awareness of what surrounds us.
ZAZEN: kneeling meditation exercise used by the sect of Zen Buddhism
ZEN: Discipline of light connected with the doctrine Buddhist call Dhyana in India and Ch'an in China. ZENG
UNDO: Exercise for the front and back in Ikki undo.
ZOORI: Sandals.
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