Thursday, April 7, 2011

Chicken Pox Genitalia

Satsuinohadou Interview (Round 2)

Second round of interviews Satsuinohadou. We move away from Street Fighter II and review the other aspects of the series playable and the future ahead.

- As we continue the franchise leaving Capcom to exploit Street Fighter II with the release of the Alpha / Zero, which gave his argument a "sense "and support the history of Street Fighter. Tell us was it difficult transition to more aggressive series with new characters (returns as Adon, guests such as Guy, new and Rose) and elements such as Chain Combos, Custom Combos, and several Super Combos at different levels (between what one can notice at first sight)? Or he was well enough trained with previous experience in Street Fighter II? What stands out most in this aspect and least pleasing to the personal level (concept art, characters, gameplay, etc)?

SSFII Compared Turbo, Alpha / Zero were more accessible, more oriented to attack the strategy. The truth is that the transition was very positive as long as the goose that lays the golden egg was too squeezed and needed renovations anime style graphics, the characters were a welcome addition, "changes in the scenes and gameplay engine. The combo system of the first Alpha magnificent result and the possibility of defending the vital air. Of these versions I have to highlight the Custom Combos allowed to do fancy stuff and Major Counter e-ISM Alpha 3. Both Alpha 2 'as Alpha 3 were outstanding, but within a 2D rendition ranking would fall behind Third Strike and Super Turbo II.

I have to say I opened my PlayStation (a purchase rather late for the satisfaction that have afforded me my beloved Super Nintendo) with Street Fighter Alpha 2 and even today I feel absolutely great. The recent purchase of a Sega Saturn Japanese with each and every one of the classic Capcom and SNK has allowed me to rediscover them again with the original quality, 60 Hz and full-screen size, since both stage 16-bit and 32-bit conversions in Europe suffer at 50 Hz with reduced game speed and a vertical black bars annoying. In addition the best features of Saturn to handle 2D Dreamcast make it next to the paradise of 2D fighting games.

series Alpha / Zero, a breath of fresh air for the franchise. Capcom is the line in terms of artistic direction and adopts anime style, as seen earlier in Darkstalkers: The Night Warriors

- Arika games do not have a highlighted popularity among fans, what does that tell them personally? Do you think that Arika did a good job in general to make the difficult move from a guaranteed formula 2D to 3D (which many big name companies failed and only a few can boast of this)? Were there any "debt" yet? Many point to graphics.

The subset Street Fighter EX has a very serious problem: no one plays like Street Fighter. The 3D still were not prepared to provide the agility of action seen in Alpha, although Rival Schools Capcom's own much closer to those 2.5 D. Despite all the combo system was a delight and Expert mode with missions was the combo lover's paradise. EX 2 Plus does not have the impact it deserves in its output on PSX and PS2 SFEX3 unfortunately was frankly disgraceful.

can summarize that the subset SFEX was a good attempt to innovate on the basis of SF, but the but the technical section and the fact that it came at a time when he suffered criticism for over-exploit Capcom the franchise. In any case and although subjectively, I have to say that their ways yet achieved Expert for today I have a special affection for the PlayStation SFEX.

Arika was responsible for the series' first foray in 3D, creating spin-off EX

- Street Fighter III was a blur and maintaining new accounts only Ryu and Ken, and although his popularity was not very auspicious beginning, eventually managed to increase in value a lot. Tell us about your experience with this chapter through its three installments, which I personally highlights and what did not sit well (new characters, gameplay, Gill, etc).

The subset SFIII was and is a real wild about the graphics thanks to the support plate CPS-III. Personally I think Capcom faced an unreasonable risk to make a "clean" so much of characters, although I was right in the background. Unfortunately did not get round a playable section almost perfect until the start of Third Strike, as in politics back to the strategy and Turbo SSFII hardness was too sharp a contrast with the possibilities and accessibility of Alpha. The introduction of the ES-Specials Darkstalkers legacy and the new moves and characters that each new version managed to get closer to the vision that Capcom probably should take when they devised the first SFIII.

Although it may sound like heresy, I dislike the system SFIII is the final boss parries and Gill. Capcom managed to polish your bet initiated and continued by New Generation Impact Giant Attack Second and Third Strike Fight for the Future and came to move to the hardcore 2D fighting, losing itself in the way that anyone fan of Street Fighter II not considered a true follower of the genre.

My particular experience with this trio of titles is based on the supply of Dreamcast: Double Impact and Third Strike, games I have on a pedestal in my collection of 2D fighting. I hope that the review of Third Strike for PSN and XBLA are introduced all the scenes and songs from the subset, which I missed in the conversion to Dreamcast.

The Street Fighter III slope brought new characters, revamped gameplay and impressive graphics power for its time

- No doubt Street Fighter III introduced that very charismatic characters like Dudley, Yun or Ibuki, while others went unnoticed as Twelve, Remy and Sean. It is known that there was controversy over the template characters, would you have kept a character from Street Fighter Alpha II or to enhance a bit the template? Or do you think has done the right thing anyway?

personally think that the story of Ryu and Sagat's not finished, and otherwise I would have chosen to bring Gouken and Goutetsu and give more importance to Gold As I mentioned in a previous question I believe that the Character selection was pretty good, although otherwise the effort that was required the player to forget all this galaxy of glory for the new fighters was perhaps excessive, something comparable to what happened to Garou Mark of the Wolves over the Real Bout Fatal Fury.

absent Sagat in Street Fighter III: a cease-fire between the two rivals

- As Street Fighter IV is what we live today, no doubt caused controversy at the time by the graphical change, absence of weight and Yoshiki Okamoto, the new leadership to continue to underpin a little in each chapter but close to Super Street Fighter II Turbo, but not devoid of interesting gameplay innovations. As the above questions, what can you tell us about Street Fighter IV and Super version? What do you consider the pros and cons? Does your overview?

SFIV is a logical step to recover all lost SF fans with both Alpha and SFIII the radical approach. Personally I quite like the Focus Attack system, both in defensive and offensive plot. The character template is quite generous and quite good news SSFIV, especially in regard to honor the fighters finally coming of SFIII. The introduction of the challenges was quite successful, although I do not like the structure of groups of SFIV, which forces you to have to overcome several times a particular mission if you get stuck in a command post.

Retouching Super Street Fighter IV managed to further refine the formula, although many of the new Ultras abuse the money, which led some to rename the game as Super Spin Fighter IV. Achievements / Trophies are really badly designed, but is an aspect that does not affect gameplay. In any case I hope that no more than the foundation for progress in the series to a future Street Fighter V to advance plot and tell us happens to Ryu and company after the plot of Street Fighter III. In this regard I believe like many others who have put aside Arcade Edition for a true sequel.

After 10 years of absence, reborn franchise Capcom Street Fighter IV and Super version consolidates its

- The announcement of downloadable content regarding Arcade Edition characters is desired, and personally do not think Capcom design and life four characters to keep them locked in the arcade market declined (as Ono said about Seth and Gouken for the home version of Street Fighter IV playable no amenities). Marvel vs. Capcom 3 has two downloadable characters and many expect that sooner or later Edition Arcade consoles import your content. With Yun, Yang, and the great role which involved the leak of Evil Ryu and Oni no formal presentation, which of these characters more anxious? still rumored to include two or three characters What would you like to see again? Raibow flirts with Mika Ono, mentions Poison (perhaps in reference to Hugo), but nothing is confirmed.

This issue is especially tricky, because with Super Street Fighter IV was redefined some aspects of online to allow DLCs. The latest rumors seem to point to a new physical version and this would be doubly painful, first go back on his own words about the end of the reviews of Street Fighter IV and second by falling back into the same mistakes that led in the past to 2D fighting genre to virtually disappear. Both Aksys BlazBlue with revisions as Capcom's own are turning to over-express different versions of his classics and is saturating the market.

Focusing on the characters that I have wished to see him pretty clear, I want more and more fighters from Street Fighter III. Urien and Elena are the most obvious and would not do and not averse to Gold Hugo. If finally the two are supposed to be announced Rolento Rainbow Mika and I would be disappointed capital, especially at SFA3 fighter.

The brothers Yun and Yang Street Fighter III just joined Evil Ryu and Oni. It is rumored some more

- What is your opinion on current 2D fighting games? Do you miss old days where games were not as fast or feel as taking into account that there is a "revival" (Back to the roots to see new ideas)?

We are receiving a superlative level games, both SFIV, as BlazBlue or finishing of Marvel vs. Capcom 3, I have completely satisfied, but you are missing a very remarkable quality of the SNK original. I would like to resurrect a franchise like Darkstalkers and Rival Schools, as well as having a utopian desire for a new Fatal Fury quality (something quite impossible in view of the developments of SNK Playmore).

The future looks pretty good with the crossover of Street Fighter and Tekken and all that has come and we have not had time to operate in terms material. In this connection and linking to a previous answer I have to criticize so fast out of new games that keep you from enjoying leisurely each. For example after the departure of Continuum Shift reach us no time to breathe Marvel vs Capcom 3 and Mortal Kombat 9. The base of players, especially the online community, can not cover all of these titles is well deserved and you can find virtually alone in different modos online antes de lo debido. Personalmente creo que muchos jugadores de de mayor edad (entre los que me incluyo), sin la cantidad ingente de tiempo libre de un estudiante, no tienen tiempo material para aprovechar y explotar cada título y simplemente pasamos de puntillas empapándonos ligeramente con la esencia de cada título.

Street Figther x Tekken, el cruce entre dos gigantes del mundo de la lucha dará mucho que hablar. Ryu y Kazuya no pueden contener su ansiedad por enfrentarse

Muchas gracias por su tiempo, fue un placer, espero contar con usted en otra ocasión si lo amerita.


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