This was an idea that had long ago, but never concretized because he always gave priority to try to end the huge amount of texts and translations, as well as maintenance of Special and Player Index the , and think of ideas for the future. All this is incredibly stressful.
I'm not good at humor, it is not my forte, but all have the right to try. Translating this idea took me some time, taking only a matter of catch-and-drop the image indicated to treat the message is understood.
Important before you begin: Do not take this for the world as an attack on the "characters affected." I have nothing against them, on the contrary, I love you I do not want to misunderstand the issue. This is just humor, or an attempt at humor.
If you want to view images in full size click on them. Here the incredible display of humor in charge of this blog:
Great truth of Gouken, if Ryu wants surpass his master, must win at least this impostor named Sheng Long
As much as Chun Li calls itself the world's strongest woman, it means nothing, that title belongs to another woman. In the history of Street Fighter, Rose managed to defeat M. Bison is a hand to hand combat at the time that takes place Alpha 2. Unfortunately for the Italian, mistakenly thought to have killed his rival, and eventually cost him dearly. But here we put things in place.
Poor Cammy, too young to work in the Delta Network, a group that responds to the British government in its fight against terrorism and drug trafficking. This more advanced in age she had her first kiss to deal with crazy weapons. Viper does remember.
In Street Fighter beauty does not guarantee victory. And yes, Rufus is considered beautiful must be left in peace, everyone is free to have their own conception of beauty.
Mmmm, is it true that Guile is a real parent. This much time away from home, and much of that time working with Chun Li ... should you have some extra addition of their profession for not being at home with his wife and daughter. Hakan is president instead of an oil company (hit man), and also have 7 children!, Ie a GOOD MY relationship with his wife clearly reflected in the number of children. That is to be a SUPER FAMILY MAN. A tip for Hakan and his wife should wear protection.
If, again Crimson Viper in an image, and it is true. Chun Li should take his obsession to avenge his father, already old enough to have her own family. Suitors would be lacking, besides spending a lot with Guile.
And Bunting Colorado, this torture is over.
I'm not good at humor, it is not my forte, but all have the right to try. Translating this idea took me some time, taking only a matter of catch-and-drop the image indicated to treat the message is understood.
Important before you begin: Do not take this for the world as an attack on the "characters affected." I have nothing against them, on the contrary, I love you I do not want to misunderstand the issue. This is just humor, or an attempt at humor.
If you want to view images in full size click on them. Here the incredible display of humor in charge of this blog:

And Bunting Colorado, this torture is over.
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