Saturday, December 3, 2005

Sleeve Gastrectomy Cure Gastroparesis

New foundation aims to help gambling addicts

Imitates modeled after Alcoholics Anonymous to try to save those who do not resist the charm of the roulette, poker and slot machines.

Miguel V. is an accomplished player. On three occasions he has tried to stay away from gambling, but his addiction was stronger than his will.

This executive Bogota, 39, played in casinos, Monday through Friday. Once out of their work in an advertising agency, seeks a session roulette or poker that just before 2 am.

Sometimes part to his lonely home with hundreds of thousands of pesos, likewise, will bet the next day. At other times, most of the time, the balance of your eyes turn red when you review the other day, the euphoria of the night game, their accounts.

"Only four hours sleep, but I'd come home late to not think that I have debts," says the addict who, for the fourth time, try to seek help from others to heal from their evil.

In previous attempts to escape the gambling, Miguel V. underwent treatments rehabilitation centers, but to return to his world fell back into the fever of gambling. Now he wants to attend the Foundation therapies targeted, non-profit organization modeled after Alcoholics Anonymous to try to cure gamblers.

impulse disorder

What is gambling? Mental illness is a chronic, progressive and relapsing included by the World Health Organization since 1994, in the international classification of disease as a disorder of impulse.

"So I felt for decades, as a mental patient who had no control de sus actos", dice Edgar V., un conocedor de los altos círculos y los bajos fondos de apuestas que decidió organizar Orientamos, un grupo de ‘ludópatas anónimos’, para ayudar a otros que, como le sucedió a él mismo durante más de una década, no pueden escapar al poder absorbente de los casinos.

"El juego patológico es un trastorno que puede definirse como un fracaso crónico y progresivo en resistir los impulsos de apostar, los cuales dominan la vida del enfermo en perjuicio de los valores y obligaciones sociales, laborales y familiares", explica Edgar V. en un escrito con el que promueve su propuesta.

A la Fundación Orientamos llegan personas que have risked or lost their jobs, accumulated debts or abandoned their families. "They also appear ill with symptoms of suicide or crimes," said Ruben A., another of those attending the sessions. To participate you must recognize that you have gambling, intending to heal and preserve the anonymity of the group.

Colombian Pathological Gambling Foundation is another organization that offers healing therapies for problem gambling. Although it is also a non-profit institution, the two-month outpatient treatment costs 1,500.000 pesos. The gamblers have psquiátrica counseling, psychological and legal.

This organization, que ha curado a centenares de adictos al juego, funciona hace 4 años y es reconocida en medio del fervor de los casinos y las apuestas.

‘Necesito ayuda’

La escena de ver llorar a Miguel V. mientras les pide ayuda a los otros ‘ludópatas anónimos’ que asisten a una de las reuniones del grupo, es estremecedora. El adicto, a pesar de ser funcional y haber mantenido su empleo, tiene historias para contar y querer huir de los casinos que le arrebataron una familia, dos casas y varios carros.

Su historia estremece a los otros adictos. "Este es un mal viejo. En ‘El Jugador’ de Fedor Dostoievsky ya está la angustia de los que nos enfermamos por gambling, "says Edgar V. before starting their dream: a night in which several anonymous gamblers gather to exchange experiences away from their evil.

'In my bets lose more than it had'
My name is Alfonso C.
and am on the set of guidelines from the first session.

a couple of months ago I met other gambling addicts who wanted to get away from his illness.

To be honest I do not know if I can achieve my goal. Just take a couple of weeks without betting and I feel that any time I fall again. I've tried everything. I have gone to psychiatrists, doctors, sorcerers and even at the Condor Club, in downtown Bogota. There is low stakes, 500 pesos. I went to 20,000 and I stayed up three days playing poker, but to lose less money you are not cured of evil. I slept badly, had cold sweats and anxiety stay in the game.

This is my last bet. I've lost more than they had.

Recommended for players and their families>

who has to forgive is yourself.

Lies are a consequence of the game and part of the problem to be solved.

Once the player has contracted debts must remedy, but solving the economic problem is not solving the problem of the game.

The family is a help to solve the problems, but the responsibility lies with the player.

The punter is the only person able to fix the force of will, his problem.

The player is sick and therefore should be treated with love and respect for his inner circle.

however, should not be approved or allow negative actions incurred as a result of their addiction.

The gambler has to bear the tension in the family will stay for long.

This stressful situation part of problem gambling and will not disappear even if this some time without betting. Being

player does not mean being a bad father, bad husband or bad son.

be betting means having a serious problem that needs treatment.

The relationship between father and children is an important issue regardless of the game.

Pathological gambling, like any other addiction is a disease that requires a slow process of family support for full recovery.

Rebet not mean all is lost. It's just one more reason to continue. HECTOR HURTADO


Con Información de y Fundación Orientamos.

Saturday, October 29, 2005

How To Use The Front Camerae71

TODAY! Breeder's Cup Betting

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Do Someone Aspirating

In Internet nobody knows you're a bot

Uno de los artículos que más me gustó de la revista Wired September is On the Internet, Nobody Knows You're a Bot . Consider how experts in software and games, specifically online poker , designed bots (robots) to play in virtual casinos. The article is very entertaining and also many comments from the creators of this software there are also anecdotes and curious stories. What I have called the state of the current state of online casinos, especially the poker tables, could be summarized as follows:
  • Some companies that manufacture software in the form of robots who play poker. Sell \u200b\u200bthe software (bots) directly to some players. The variant of poker most popular is the famous Texas Hold'em or "Poker No Limit Texas' popularized by the movie Rounders.
  • calculated Bots played much better than most humans. Are accurate to the balance of probabilities, when to bet, when to fold, when to bluff, raise the stakes, etc. Although they may lose in some cases, usually have an advantage playing against humans who are not great players and win consistently. They are tireless and somewhat foolproof. Never leave the strategy to check them.
  • When these bots come into a table, it is not easy to distinguish from humans. People try to chat with them, but sometimes the player with the chat bot done manually (while the bot plays). Candidates are almost beyond the Turing Test ;-)
  • online casinos expel bots that detect or block the accounts of those players, which is in a "lawless" at least. (Maybe to block accounts of players are bots, if they win). Both casinos as creators of bots are accusing each other of "lack of sense of ethics, morality and bla bla bla." Eventually the problem is not whether you win or lose bot. It's all typical problems of casinos with the people who make money on them.
  • People with bots can make them play on many tables and many casinos at a time, is an ongoing war between online casinos and the creators of bots. There are techniques to hide bots on remote computers to avoid being seen to belong to the same person or from which place they are playing.
  • Bots can play as a team, which is usually considered "cheating." There may be several sitting at a table and "teach" the cards together by direct communication that bypasses the table. Is it really cheating? People can also play as a team and taught their letters offline (for example, two friends in the same room with two laptops). By this trick the bots can fool the human opponents and improve their game considerably: first, know more letters of the table and therefore the estimation of probabilities is greatly improved. It sometimes happens that a bot with good cards let another strong bet bot to fool a player who eventually loses to the first bot.
  • is not clear whether casinos use bots themselves, or if they do to encourage the tables or making money. The online casinos say they do not use them. Online casinos always win money at the poker table because they have an unwavering commitment of all that players are betting.

Finally, the truth is that the article is really good, and shows an aspect that probably many people who play online (especially the addicted gamblers ) often forget: that as it says in the title, Internet, nobody knows if you are playing against a bot or another person. And no doubt the bots are better and crushed ruthlessly and relentlessly to "suckers" who come into the tables. If you play and lose, get that question.

the end of the article also appears Jonathan Schaeffer, who works on Poki-Poker software to teach how to play poker. Schaeffer is also the creator of Chinook, the first program that played to the ladies who won the human world champion in the 90's. This story is told in One Jump Ahead, a beautiful book that tells the whole story the development of this software. Indeed it seems to have made progress recently in the final settlement of the analysis of the game of checkers (in full) and for a tournament openings have proven a winning strategy. They also widened the final database and you know all the solutions for ten items or less.

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

How To Spot A Fake Onyx

Professor Emory University, Use Poker to Teach Mathematical Principles

Ronald Gould, Goodrich C. White Professor of Mathematics at Emory University in Atlanta, has been teaching a seminar for freshmen "Mathematics in Sports, Games and Gambling" since 1998, when they began to give seminars for freshmen. In the course, Gould teaches the mathematical principles underlying games like blackjack, poker, backgammon and in several sports.

Gould, first taught pure mathematics and then gives students the opportunity to use these skills in poker and other games of chance. Even the game itself, combined with mathematics instruction, teaching students the probabilities and possible outcomes of each hand.

teaching method that combines the game of poker with the mathematical knowledge, has had great demand among Emory students. Last year, 158 students have enrolled in the seminar however the number of vacancies for the course of just 16 students. Gould is trying to include at least one more student in his seminar. Curriculum Vitae

Thursday, August 25, 2005

How to Play Texas Hold'em Poker How to Play Poker

Texas Hold'em is a game simple to understand, what is needed is practical, we do not intend to become a professional game, but would have all the basics to get started in this exciting world of number one game on the network. Objective

game Texas Hold'em is a game of seven cards that are divided into four phases and is the most popular and exciting to play poker today. If you had the opportunity to see playing poker on TV, sure it was Texas Hold'em.

is to get the best five-card combination. This is achieved both with the two you get the player and the five community cards that are left on the table.

The dealer button in each hand, one of the players have called the dealer button (a small disk marked with a D). His position is quite important, as the two players to the left of this button places the blinds (blinds without seeing the cards). The dealer button moves to the left in each hand (counter clockwise) and, therefore, place bets blind passes from one to another player.

Blinds (the blinds)
The player immediately to the left of the dealer button places the small blind, and the one on the left of the big blind. The blinds are already in the pot (pot) and it is time that the other participants make their wagers. The blinds prevent the winner of a hand go completely empty.

The amount of the blinds is marked by the betting limits of the table you're sitting. The small blind is usually half the minimum bet, while the big blind is the same as the minimum bet. An example: if 're playing in a $ 2 / $ 4, less blind bet is $ 1 and the highest was $ 2.

The initial allocation
Once the blinds are on the table, the time of the deal. Following the direction of clockwise, each player receives two cards face down that only he can see. These are called pocket cards or hole cards. ... Comes to betting. After all, this is why we are here.

The first round of betting
At this point, each participant bet taking into account the strength of the two cards you're given. Betting begins with the player immediately placed to the left of the big blind.

Here, each player has three options: do not go (fold), raise (raise) or do (call) the big blind. Players who have placed the blinds start the round, so that each participant who wants to follow in the hand, at least to see these minimum bets. Because of this, check (pass) is not an option at this stage of the game.

The round of betting follows the direction of clockwise, each player will, or will rise. If none has risen, it is clear that this option is left to the person who placed the big blind.

In the first round of betting the amount is limited to the lesser of the table, therefore, in a $ 2 / $ 4 all increase of 2 increases by $ 2. Now comes the turn of the flop (first three community cards). Just a little comment before proceeding. In limit betting form, the issues and reenvites not go to infinity, we use the standard three possible hikes. That is, each round of betting will have a maximum of one bet and no more than three raises. The third, last.

the flop (first three community cards)
Well, now that the first bets were made, the flop comes and things start to get interesting. The flop is the set of three cards that are placed face up in the middle of the table. These cards are common and can be used by all to make his move. The place in the middle of the table where these cards are placed is known as the board.

A new round of betting has arrived, and the tables betting limit the amount of those is the lowest (eg., A table of $ 2 / $ 4, the stakes will be 2 $). This time, the betting starts with the person immediately to the left of the dealer button. The player to the left of the dealer kept the lead for the rest of the game. Apart from this, the process of betting is the same as in the previous round.

The turn card (fourth community card)
Once the betting round is completed, it's time to see another card. This fourth card is called the turn card and is used by all players to form their hand.
in the game with betting limits, the round after this letter is the largest, therefore, in a game of $ 2 / $ 4 bets increase of 4 in $ 4.

The river (fifth community card) Arrival
the fourth, only one remains. Is the time of the fifth and final community card that the super famous and dangerous river known as card. Now that all cards have been laid on the table, each player can know what is at hand. The final round of betting has arrived.

The showdown (showdown or letters below) got to the point. Time to see who gets the upper hand: the showdown. Each of the players who are in the hand shows their cards, starting with the last person to bet and following. The winner is decided according to the universal hierarchy of plays.

If a player wins the pot (pot) by default, this means that the rest has thrown the cards, and consequently do not show the cards and the winner decides whether or not his play shows. If necessary, most people do not, it is interesting to let the other with the question: "Have I done right?"

Pain From Cold Drinks

Improve your poker game is a task that requires patience and dedication. We'll give you some great poker tips, but the most important advice we can give is to spend time researching and more time to practice. They are both tremendously successful combination, so take the time to read our advice and good luck!

  • not play many hands

    Playing too many hands shows you are a beginner and gives, the more advanced players the opportunity to understand what types of hands you play. Retire when you have a bad hand, but it is tempting to keep playing. Note

  • board

    Beginner poker players tend to focus on their own hand rather than see the board. Be attentive to the board allows more advanced players read the bets that are driving and take advantage.

  • Take a break

    If you feel you are going through a bad patch, do not be afraid to get up and take a break. Walk, take a drink, and breathe deeply. One of the worst things in poker is to show emotion, so take the opportunity to put things into perspective instead of altering it can be a very beneficial move. Search

  • common signs


    addition, make sure not give them yourself. As mentioned above, the emotion is a key factor that gives clues to the most advanced poker players. They can even fake certain emotions to make them think for beginners who are finding clues when in reality they are being deceived by professionals. Therefore, in general, opponents modeling is very important to develop a good poker strategy. For that, you should be aware of these common signs poker game:

    • Players look at their cards longer than usual have good hands. They can also watch your chips or look around to see if other players are likely to retire.

    • Hands shaking from too much pressure may indicate that a player is trying to hide a good hand of cards.

    • The chips which are very orderly generally involve the player is conservative in their bets. The disordered stacks are characteristic of aggressive players and losers.

    • Players who bluff may show signs of anxiety such as dilated pupils, unconscious muscle flexing and increased heart rate.

    • facial expressions and body posture can directly indicate how confident a player feels about his game and the particular hand, so it is important to note the changes as the game changes.

  • Customize your game

    Change your style of play midway through the game, is a great way to get rid of the guard of the other players and prevent them achieving a clear model of opponent. This will give you an advantage because other players will not know when to call your bluff.

  • Cree Model of Opponent

    Look closely to their opponents for studying their betting habits, when they bet, how much they bet, when to accept and why. This observation can help you to formulate a better strategy game thanks to a better understanding of their opponents and the ability to predict their good hands based on their actions. Bluff

  • Bullying can be a very effective tool in poker, but only when the risk of being accepted is low. When used at the right time, the bluff could be the key to success. Bluff successfully takes practice and a lot of subtlety.

  • Smart Bet

    Make careful and responsible gambling is the key to playing good poker, besides being a tool for defensive moves or developing an opponent model. Placing bets thoughtful can provide useful information for other players by observing how they react and respond.

  • Pay attention to the position of the players

    According to its position in the table, you can have an advantage over other players. For example, if you are the dealer, you are the last to act, allowing you to see the bets of other players before their turn. As a result, you have more time to draw strategic conclusions from your observations and proceed accordingly making the best bid that meets the current hand. Likewise, if you is in a less advantageous position, be aware of the facts and be aware that the dealer will be watching you and your betting patterns. Research

  • Take a pencil and paper and start investigating! If you do not expand your knowledge of poker, will not reach its full potential. Take time to read and understand strategies and tips from other players, because there's always room for improvement.

Why Is The Skin Around My Cuticle Swollen ?

Poker Game: Movie "Rounders Rounders ( 1998)

gender Movie drama: Game of Poker. Mike McDermott (Matt Damon), besides being in law school, is a "rounder", ie a card player who never loses.

When his best friend, Les "Worm" Murphy (Edward Norton) gets out of jail and discovers that still owes a substantial amount of money to a dangerous criminal, decides to play poker, despite warnings from his girlfriend and his mentor at the university.

The poker game that intends to participate to help his friend played with some of the most sinister players in the city, among which is the perfidious Teddy KGB (John Malkovich). Poker as an argument
film has its advantages, the game itself is so attractive that little is needed to keep the viewer's attention to the duel the eyes of the players, the strategy of bluffing, the proverbial appearance of lady luck, or uncertainty of the outcome of the games.

In contrast a serious slab rests on the movies with this theme: the excitement of the games lost heavily in subsequent visions. In the case of "Rounders" this ballast does not matter, it has a brilliant script which relations of friendship and love between the successful characters have as much or more interest the outcome of each "hand."

The heading underground environment is worthy of a classic film, the pace is perfect and the dialogues as credible as bright. Special mention should be the entire cast in the highlighting a superb Edward Norton with a brash as unworthy of a young actor, has the strength and security of the greatest interpretive. Come into this game, earn a great movie moment. Main Cast

Matt Damon, Edward Norton, John Malkovich, John Turturro, Gretchen Mol, Martin Landau and others. If you have the possibility to enjoy this game of poker

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Yahtzee Slot Machine Las Vegad

Bumvertising (Advertising online poker with Beggars)

poquer en linea

Apparently a Seattle businessman came up with the idea that the advertising space that provide the homeless with their banners style "I do whatever it takes food / money / etc. "can be very profitable, because many People look at them, although it is a fact that many others avoid it, and that is a very valuable but it is wasted. This has called Bumvertising-bum in English means indigent.

poquer en linea

The official website say that the homeless have noticed more people to them and ask questions about advertising, which for them is amazing.

really do not know what to say about this, you make money from the poor image? does not seem right.

Friday, August 5, 2005

My Wife Wants Me To Try

Terry Pratchett and

"God does not play dice with the universe. Play ineffable game of his own invention that could be compared, since the perspective of the other players [ie everybody], to be in an obscure and complex variant of poker in a dark room, with blank cards, with unlimited stakes and a dealer who does not want you to explain the rules and smiling all the time. "

Terry Pratchett

Thursday, July 14, 2005

Women Car Drivers Wearing Stockings

Poker Game In World Series of Poker you can bet up to seven million dollars in a 'hand'

Series began in Las Vegas in 1970, after a marathon five months. The 'Fossil' champion 2004, says play up to 30 times per hour.

The Rio hotel in Las Vegas (USA), people seem more mad money than the other casinos in the city of the game. Moreover, you can smell the desperation for money: The records of the 5,619 players competing in the World Series of Poker (World Series Poker) sound with fury through rage of losing.

And it hurts, every competitor has to pay $ 10,000 to get there, each in its own way, he falls and breaks blessings brain with strategies for getting this July 15, the jackpot $ 7.5 million. So Toby Maguire, 'Spider-Man', the most famous competitor, fell into the web of bets ... and lost.

Many recover the investment, the player holding the box 560 will leave with $ 12,500. And there from celebrities como Jennifer Tilly, candidata al Oscar en 1994 por Balas sobre Broadway, quien venció a 600 rivales en el torneo femenino y ganó 158 mil dólares, hasta estrellas del póquer llamadas 'el Bocón', el 'Expreso de Oriente' y otras joyas dignas de futbolista de barriada.

Editor de Entretenimiento
Las Vegas (E.U.)


Wednesday, July 6, 2005

Strip Club Cocktail Waitress Job In Dc

Dave Navarro y Carmen Electra atentos en Celebrity Poker Game en el Hard Rock Casino en Las Vegas.

Monday, May 30, 2005

Listening To Music Too Loudly Dizziness

The Pilot Show of Poker Annie Duke getting the ax by the NBC

30 Mayo 2005

“All-In”, la telecomedia de póquer inspirada en Annie Duke, compitiendo por tiempo air on NBC, has reportedly been rejected by the network. The program would be based loosely on the life of a professional poker player Annie Duke. Behind the attempt

were Lisa Kudrow (from Friends) and his production company, who over the past year have been working on the development of poker software and produce a pilot who captivates the network executives. Making greater efforts to woo the chain, the show's creators recruited the renowned comedian Janeane Garofalo to play the leading role. It seems, however, that the power of Garofalo star was not enough for the NBC zambullera in the new program. After the chain saw and tested the pilot, decided to discontinue attempts to "All-In."

Cm A Week Before Period

The World Series of Poker (WSOP) Partners with Kinetic Productions

May 29, 2005 World Series of Poker (WSOP) has recruited Kinetic Productions, based in Las Vegas to oversee the task of recording the WSOP main event this year, which will be place from 2 to 15 June in the Hotel and Casino Harrah's Rio Suite. This year's WSOP will be broadcast on ESPN.

For the WSOP tournament, Kinetic Productions ensure recording quality using Lectrosonics Venue Series receivers and transmitters LM Digital Hybrid Wireless (tm). Kinetic Productions equipped with microphones to poker players and dealers. Kinetic will ensure that two dealers are using the microphones all the time, since in the WSOP dealers are changed frequently.

How To Adj Xtra 10 Suspension

Foxwoods Poker Room Organize Celebrity Poker Tournament at Poker Event

May 27, 2005 During the week of July 25, the famous Foxwoods poker room will receive a visit from hockey fans participating in the Pucks, Putters and Poker, an event which combines, as its name indicates, hockey, golf and poker. The event will take place thanks to an agreement between Next Shift Enterprises, LLC, Game Time Marketing, LLC and the Foxwoods Resort Casino.

Next Shift Enterprises, an organization that helps professional hockey players in the transition into the world of business, and Game Time Marketing, which specializes in organizing presentations and events related to the game, combined to provide the fantasy hockey event. In addition to fantasy hockey, Pucks, Putters and Poker submit a Celebrity Golf Tournament.

However, the peak of Pucks, Putters and Poker will undoubtedly be the celebrity poker tournament, which takes place at the Foxwoods poker room, incidentally, is the largest poker room in the East Coast.

Monday, May 23, 2005

Why Do People Dress Grunge

British Hockey (BPO) Crown Champion for Online Qualifier Adam Dujmovic

online qualifier Adam Dujmovic took the championship in the British Poker Open (BPO) from last week, and with it the not inconsiderable sum of £ 100.000. The Well of £ 216.000 in prize money tournament was not enough to attract many of the names of leading poker professionals, including David "Devilfish" Ulliot, Gus Hansen, Howard Lederer, Chris "Jesus" Ferguson and the World Poker Champion Greg "Fossilman" Raymer. Adam Dujmovic

won five of the most valuable finalists, including the Swedish homegrown Hakon Waerstad Matt Born, Andreas Harnemo Norwegian and American competitors Robert Hill and Greg Raymer.

The Poker Channel, which broadcasts poker, poker and more poker, aired a live broadcast tournament. The BPO is the first major poker tournament broadcast on the Poker Channel. The Poker Channel is committed to continue broadcasting majors, with plans already in the air to the PokerStars World Cup of Poker, which begins May 30.

Elbow Red, Hot No Cut

Online Poker Tournament for Charity Celebrities in Summons

The online casino site recently announced an online poker tournament for charity with the aim of raising money for Sports Medical Research Helping Children (Sport Aiding Medical Research for Kids - Sparks), a nonprofit organization that funds medical research to benefit infants and children. British actor Vinnie Jones, Getminted celebrity spokesman, will join a group of celebrities for the charity poker tournament, in which online poker players will compete head to head against the celebrity participants.

This online poker tournament for charity will be held on Tuesday 24 May. The online poker players wishing to participate can register at The cost of entry to the tournament is £ 50 and will be donated to SPARKS. In total, Getminted hopes to raise at least £ 20,000 for charity. While the main objective of online poker tournament of Getminted is to raise money for charity, it offers a prize pool of 7.500 pounds, which have been donated by the same Getminted.


Monsters Energy Drinks For Sale

Poker Machines Australia Updates to Prevent Problems

In response to the recommendation made by the report of the last year of Game: Promoting a Culture of Responsibility, the Australian state of New South Wales is taking a measure to install poker machines to help video poker players to register their poker games. Poker machines, also known on the continent as "pokies", presented shortly popup watches and notify the players how long they play.

By helping video poker players to keep track of their games, the government of New South Wales expected to address the problem of compulsive gambling. According to an estimate in Australia is home to more than 300,000 compulsive gamblers. In addition to updating the poker machines with these options, the state Gaming Minister, Grant McBride, plans to deploy more than 100 suggestions raised in the report The Game: Promoting a Culture of Responsibility last year.

Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Sample Business Plan Of Greenhouse Farming

Game World Poker Tournament at the Conrad Punta del Este

For the first time in the history of gambling, a casino in South America will host a preview of the World Series of Poker. For 35 years this tournament has been the largest and most prestigious event the world.

The Poker Tournament which will take place on Saturday June 18 at Casino Conrad award the first three qualifiers will participate in the final of the 36th Annual Series World Poker Tour to be held on 14 and July 15 in Las Vegas and will be broadcast live by ESPN sports world channel.

Harrah's Entertainment, Inc., one of the largest gaming companies in the world, which operates exclusively for the championship final which is expected to more than five thousand participants with an enrollment of U $ S 10,000 and a prize of U.S. $ S 5,000,000.

Although there is no certainty the true origin of this card game, we know that his popularity grew in 1820 as the first form of gambling on Mississippi river boats.

Registration for the Poker Tournament Conrad S is $ 1,500 with a possible re-enrollment of U $ S 2,000 and a pool of more than U $ S 300,000. The three winners will travel to Las Vegas for the grand finale with all expenses paid for two people.

source read

Pain On Right Wrist By Thumb

Board games and Game Boy 2x1 random

users Game Boy Advance (and, of course, DS) can buy packs of two games in one cartridge of the company Majesco, for the moment only in the U.S. price $ 20. However, taking note that the console does not bring territorial lock can be purchased without any problems of import and use in a European console. The titles in question are:

- Texas Hold 'Em Poker / Golden Nugget Casino and gambling games for this platform.
- Cartoon Network Speedway / Cartoon Network Block Party: licensed the popular children's television channel.
- Monster Trucks / Quad Desert Fury exciting car racing.

These titles are now available in U.S. stores.

Pokemon Deluge Auto Hunt launches new service for betting

Citadel Commerce Corp, a leading payment processing via the Internet, today announced that as a now offers myCitadel instant payment option on their website.

No need for any additional fee or having to share any personal banking information, myCitadel allows users to store assets in a real way, to make funds transfer easily on myCitadel portfolio and place in a bank, make a transfer of funds to a bank account and have Internet markets. Personal details and the banking industry will continue to maintain confidentiality within myCitadel portfolio, and never be revealed to third parties.

myCitadel allows consumers to create accounts in real time, make deposits of funds through methods most popular and instantly acquisitions among market participants, all without cost to consumers. For merchants, myCitadel provides guaranteed funds, tax-based structures and networks, all based on payment history of consumers. myCitadel provides merchants access to a comprehensive database for consumers actively using myCitadel and Citadel Checks as their primary method of payment.

Michael Meeks, President of Citadel Commerce, said: "The launch of myCitadel with continues to validate the need for a substantial payment solution that offers the most competitive rates consumer and merchant. Thanks to our extensive industrial history we are pleased to include as a new merchant.

"We constantly look for ways to improve aspects of our business, and the fact of adding more funds and payment options is a way order to optimize the best possible service, "said Calvin Ayre, founder and CEO of Sports Casino Poker." is growing quickly, and the addition of myCitadel allows us to have the latest technology products available for web-based businesses.

Ayre added: "We think the myCitadel system is a fantastic choice. As our introduction to Instant Online Checks, developers will be able to raise funds for their accounts quickly, safely and easily. "

Citadel Commerce Corp is headquartered in British Columbia (Canada) and has a subsidiary in Gibraltar. Citadel is one of the payment processing brands most prestigious in the industry. Sports Casino Poker is headquartered in San Jose (Costa Rica), and is licensed in Costa Rica and federal government the United Kingdom., one of the pioneers of online gambling is considered one of the best brands of betting in the U.S., and has received more than 1,000 billion, ranking as one of 25 major online companies on the list of Power 25.

Issuer: Citadel Commerce Corp

Contact: Jim McLean, VP Sales, Citadel Commerce Corp, +1-604-299-6924,

source read

Monday, April 18, 2005

Post Cervical Erosion Operation

raid on illegal casino in New Jersey

CLIFTON - The possible connection between organized crime and illegal casino that was closed on Wednesday night, is intensely investigated by the authorities of the city of Clifton.

police Capt. Robert Rowan, said the investigation continues, said the operation was a resounding blow against illegal gambling, product surveillance of the authorities kept the casino for several months, when it worked under the cover of being a football club.

The raid, which involved more than 45 troops of different security forces, was headed to the basement of the mall Styretowne, Clifton City, where they caught 70 people and seized $ 60,000 in cash.

According to official report, of those arrested, three charged administradoresfueron six 'dealers' (which are responsible for promoting the rise among people who they believe may be players and potential gamblers), and two customers who had outstanding orders Isolated cases of arrest, others were released, alleging that as dictated by state gambling laws, players usually are not charged any fees.

The three managers who were indicted on charges of promoting illegal gambling, keeping a place to play and possession of illegal gambling records were identified as Jose Gomez, 55, of Washington Heights in Manhattan, Richard Aquino, 33, Kearny and Angelo Caamano, 35, of Fair Lawn.

The aforementioned establishment, where he played poker known as Texas Hold'Em, was equipped with six gaming tables with a capacity of 10 players each.

If convicted, administrators face a maximum penalty of five years in prison.

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Sunday, March 27, 2005

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The last play of the poker tournament tribe

Raúl Fain Binda

Columnist Raul Fain Binda, BBC World

Paul Stoddart
To play, Minardi must-adapted to the rules of the table.

World Poker Championship has started in Deadwood. Ten players are huddled around a circular table covered with a green cloth, greasy and frayed.

Smoke, drink and hate each other. All sweat and have hoarse voice snuff, alcohol and nerves.

light, perpendicular, ruthless, gives them a sickly, tired.

The dealer is small, restless, angry-looking. His name is Bernie and he owns the place, the Silver Dollar Saloon. Deck like a pro, his hands seem a whirlwind of nails.

When Bernie starts dealing a hand, the player to his left, Wild Bill Hickock, stops.


-Do not give Minardi, no rest for this game, he says.

When Wild Bill speaks, everyone listens. Has been a champion many times and wants to be many more. He has eyes of gunman and gambler's hands caress the sheets as if they were women. Accompanied by his lover, Calamity Jane, whose ample cleavage peeks a wad of cash.

In the game of love, Wild Bill's "Ferrari" and Calamity is "Fiat" for their preferred brand of whiskey.

Behind the couple, the chronicles of the time located at a certain Jack McCall, who has been drinking more than necessary. Minardi

is obviously the poorest player around the table. His coat needs a darn, no one comes and your stack is negligible.

"Bernie, you and Max told me they would credit. And in the world championship measure the quality, not quantity. I know I will not win, but I have the right to participate.

Bernie Ecclestone.
If Bernie is considered the brains behind Formula One, Ferrari may be the heart.

Rules are rules

Max, seated at the right of Bernie, is the president of the Deadwood Poker Club, which gives the title and the game dictates. He shrugs, looking for I do not come with these things.

"Sorry, but rules are rules, responds.

"I'm sure this can be arranged, Bernie says, glaring with an eye to Wild Bill.

The other players are agitated, angry.

"This is the height of chutzpah," says the second player, Tim McLaren, who is accompanied by his wife Mercedes.

The third player, Frank Williams, after hearing what he says to the woman heard the accompanying German accent, gives a punch on the table.

The hidden reason -Wild Bill

ball at Minardi for us to be a warning to others, because we want to change local and organize our own World Cup, said.

-Oui, that they will fall very badly to you three, Renaud narrows, the fourth player, watching with a wry smile to Wild Bill, Bernie and Max. The other players

settle and vigorously beat the table. A glass of whiskey is spilled on the tiles of Max, who dries them one by one with the sleeve of his jacket.

Jack McCall is closer to the table, pushing through the curious. Fiat makes a face of disgust when she gets her breath. Minardi

laughs suddenly and spread on the table a document:

"Never mind, never mind. I came prepared. This is a decision of the judge in Deadwood, allowing me to play the championship.

Max Mosley
The president of the FIA, Max Mosley, could be playing his last game.

Two decks

"Sounds good. I always keep the rules, says Wild Bill.

"Yes, true because Bernie and Max are the rules that I agree with you. If you do not agree, they would other says another player, Japanese-looking.

"Rules are for everyone, says Bernie, his face obscured by cigarette smoke.

"If so, why did you give him a deck of cards and us from another? Why should you pay a premium for participating and we do not?

"Because he is the champion and television We pay much less if he was not. That's why you should stay with me. A world championship poker without Wild Bill would not be viable. Would not even local.

Fórmula Uno.
Ferrari, the preferred leads. McLaren and Williams follow.

Dead Man's Hand

And Bernie the dealer, with a knowing wink to Wild Bill and a hearty nudge Max. "Everyone admires

Wild Bill, so this table of poker attracts many people, he adds Max.

"Yes, we all admire, but also many people hate him, mumbles McLaren. Wild Bill

focuses on their cards. The strokes, begins to open like petals of a flower, spying on her one by one. Nobody does it better. So is the champion.

The first card is an ace, another as the second and the third is an eight, the fourth another eight. The four were black.

Ferrari Fiat's bottom pinched, for luck. And he begins to spy on the fifth card.

At that time, Jack McCall shot in the nape of the world champion with his 45-caliber revolver.

"He killed my brother says when he silenced the echo of the shot. Nobody seems to listen.

Very slowly discovers the fifth McLaren letter of Wild Bill. Is the two of spades.

"You're out of luck, champ," someone says. ************

Wild Bill Hickock , Calamity Jane and Jack McCall really existed. Jack killed Wild Bill on August 2, 1876. Since then, poker is famous "dead hand", two aces and two black eights. As for racing, do not believe that Ferrari will suffer the same fate as Wild Bill. At last, after all, everybody loves Ferrari. ************

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Wednesday, February 23, 2005

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U.S. Open in Cancun


Dallas-A Wisconsin tribe said Monday it is preparing to operate a floating casino docked in the Mexican resort of Cancun, and will open your game room only in international waters.

Lac du Flambeau Tribe Band plans to open a casino on board The Dream Catcher (Dreamcatcher) that dock daily at the resort in southeastern Mexico.

The ship, which has been refurbished to offer a variety of games such as roulette, poker, blackjack and slot machines coins, could start operations in April. This

to take advantage of the tourist flow generated by the holiday period of "Spring Break."

plans ethnicity, whose reservation is located in northern Wisconsin, near the Canadian border, were released last week in the annual report rendered by the tribal president Victoria Doud.

Doud said the tribe has invested two million dollars to partner with employers in Chicago, Steve Panzarella, Mark Montana, and Alex Salerno, to acquire and refurbish the boat belong to the ethnicity of 30 percent.

In his report to the board of ethnicity, Doud said "these people are bringing to the table its relationship with the government of Mexico and its ability to obtain required certifications and agreements."

"Right now, we are awaiting the final certification will allow us to begin operations, "he said. "Through this initiative, our partners are working to obtain licenses and agreements, must Doud.

Doud pointed out that the tribe expects to recoup its investment after the first year of operations and estimated to receive in subsequent years a minimum annual income of three billion dollars annually. The tribe, comprising about 500 thousand members, held within reservation several businesses related to the recreation and tourism, including hotel and Lake of the Torches casino, plus a clothing store and grocery and gas station.

Friday, February 11, 2005

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floating casino betting online, hobby of the English

LONDON (Reuters) -

The number of Britons who made Internet gambling has increased more than sixfold in the last year, according to a survey released on Tuesday the online casino firm 888. com.

10 percent of British women and 16 percent of men said they would consider bet all of their possessions for the prize of 5 million, said, which analysts say could be the next virtual casino quoted on the London Stock Exchange.

His survey of two thousand 700 people on the streets of Great Britain showed an increase of 566 percent in the amount of money betting on the Internet since late 2003.

Internet gambling is a successful industry in Britain, one of the few jurisdictions where it is well received.

Last week, the company's largest Internet poker world, PartyGaming, said he was considering what would be one of the largest launches in the stock market in three years, approximately £ 3,000 million (5,700 million dollars .)

And in October, shares of Sportingbet UK - the firm's largest Internet betting world - rose more than 50 percent after acquiring Paradise Poker, PartyGaming rival led by supermodel Caprice American.

Attempts to relax gambling laws in Britain have faced resistance from activists who fight against addiction and the tabloids.

Mark Griffiths, professor of gambling studies at Nottingham Trent University, told Reuters that there was little evidence that Internet gambling would be more harmful than other forms of gambling.

But he warned that it might play with virtual money and decrease their psychological value that online casinos could cause problems for those with addictions because they are available 24 hours a day.

announced Tuesday that the amount membership had reached 13 million this week, of the 2.7 million they had in 2002.

Monday, February 7, 2005

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Betting Internet furor in Britain

The number of Britons who made Internet gambling has increased more than sixfold in the last year, according to a survey released on Tuesday the signing of online casino

10 percent of British women and 16 percent of men said they would consider bet all of their possessions for the prize of 5 million, said, which analysts say could be the next virtual casino quoted on the London Stock Exchange.

Internet gambling is a successful industry in Britain, one of the few jurisdictions where it is well received. Last week, the company's largest Internet poker world, PartyGaming said it was considering what would be one of the largest stock exchange release in three years, approximately £ 3,000 million 5,700 million dollars).