Friday, October 24, 2008

How Long Wait To Get Relaxer After Weave


Hi! I hope you write me something on my blog but now is a bit under construction. A kiss

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Schwarzkopf In Chennai Where Can We Buy

Los términos de una oper a ción los debemos separar en las operaciones suma y resta.
Veamos el siguiente ejemplo:

4 + 3 x 5 – 6 : 2 =

En este ejemplo, los términos son:

3 x 5
6 : 2

Si resolvemos cada término la operación sería:

4 + 15 – 3 = 16

Si bien este es un caso muy simple puedo ASOCIAR para obtener el resultado.
Recordemos que la propiedad ASOCIATIVA decía: “A la suma de los positivos le resto la suma de los negativos”. Aplicando esta propiedad, la operación would be:

(4 + 15) - 3 =

19-3 = 16 Let

an example a little more complicated:

-8 + 6 x 4 - 18: 2 + 20: 2 - 5 =

We have the following terms:

-8 6 x 4
18: 2
20: 2 5

The operation would be:

-8 + 24-9 + 10 - 5 =


( 24 + 10) - (8 + 9 + 5) =

1934 to 1922 = 12

Let's do another example.

8 + 6 x -5 to 4 x -3 =

separate terms

8 6 x 4 x -3 -5

would have

8 + - 30 - - 12 =

In this case we see that we "seal" the sign of the operation with the sign of numbers, to separate using parentheses. This would create

8 + (- 30) - (- 12) =

To solve the above operation we have to DELETE BRACKET . To remove parentheses have to look at the sign above the parentheses to remove, if a positive sign (+) signs are in parentheses NO CHANGE , if the sign above the parentheses is negative (-) signs are in parentheses CHANGE, let our case:

8 + (- 30) - (- 12) =

As (- 30) is preceded by an ampersand ( +) is like - 30, ie,

8 to 30 - (- 12) =

Now let the (- 12) and is preceded by a minus sign (-) 12 + 12 becomes, then we would

8 to 30 +12 =

(8 + 12) - 30 =

20-30 = -10

Now let's do an exercise in removing brackets a little longer, let us that the way we're going to accomplish is not the only but, although it is longer and more tedious than others, is how to perform this operation with less risk of error.
Another thing to consider is that, generally, when we have more than one pair of brackets and to tell them apart, are placed in square brackets and, if necessary, keys, we are only going to put parentheses only a matter graph. We

6 + 8 - (- 6 + 8 + 6 - (- 8 + 6 + 8 - (- 6 + 8) - 6) + 8) =

first remove the parentheses smaller, I look at the sign The foregoing, as is (-) signs interior change, then:

6 + 8 - (- 6 + 8 + 6 - (- 8 + 6 + 8 + 6 - 8 - 6) + 8) =

We suppressing again the sign that precedes the parentheses to remove it (- ):

6 + 8 - (- 6 + 8 + 6 + 8 - 6 - 8 - 6 + 8 + 6 + 8) =

Last suppression, again sign (-):

6 + 8 + 6 - 8 - 6 - 8 + 6 + 8 + 6 - 8 - 6 to 8 =

As we see, we were left with a succession of additions and subtractions, in the next step we apply Cancel property is, we will seek numbers with the same absolute value but with different signs and "cancel" of the operation, this can be done because the addition or subtraction of these would result in zero, that is, not change the outcome, we will go step by step and I will paint red numbers I'll go canceling, see:

6 + 8 + 6 - 8 - 6 - 8 + 6 + 8 + 6 - 8 - 6 to 8 =


8 + 6 - 8 - 8 + 6 + 8 + 6 - 8 - 6 to 8 =


6 - 8 + 6 + 8 + 6 - 8 - 6 - 8 =


- 8 + 6 + 8 + 6 - 8 - 8 =

would be:

6 + 6 - 8 - 8 =


(6 + 6) - (8 + 8) =

12 to 16 = - 4

This way of solving the exercises is longer and perhaps more tedious but, as we said before, is how the least possibility of error we have, well, now let's solve some exercises to take their resolution resolving as DELIVERY in the above manner.

a) - 7 + 5 x -6 to 7 x 4 =
b) 9 - 28: - 2 + 4 x - 3 =
c) 5 + 3 - (- 4 to 5 + 6 + 3 - 4) + 10 =
d) 3 - 4 – ( - 3 – 4 + 3 – ( - 4 + 3 + 4) – 3 ) =
e) 7 – ( - 6 – 4 x -6 – 5 – 6) =