biological tissue is supportive, with function together other tissues and structures.
Their cells are embedded and widely dispersed in an abundant intercellular material, called the extracellular matrix.
represents the extravascular, interstitial space agency .
own or fixed cells
Responsible for the formation and maintenance
tissue they belong to, because
by what are calledsupporting cells
- own or fixed cells.
- free conjunctival cells
Matrix extracellular
fundamental substance.
conjunctive fibers.
own or fixed cells:
Responsible for the formation and maintenance of the tissue to which they belong, which is why they are called supporting cells.
They can be distinguished as
- mesenchymal cells . Fibroblasts
- and fibrocytes
- reticular cells
- fat cells.
mesenchymal cells : are precursor cells. They are located in the vessel walls.
These substances produce involved in wound healing and tissue restoration.

Reticulum cells:
produce reticular fibers.
fat cells:
is a specialized cell in the storage of neutral fats.
free conjunctival cells or wandering:
mast cells
plasma cells.
granulocytes polymorphonuclear .
mast cells or mast cells :
precursors are derived from the bone marrow .
participate in the inflammatory response of the immune system .
are large cells in the form of stars.
remove foreign substances and are involved in immune response.
plasma cells:
Its function is to synthesize the antibodies found in blood.

- white blood cells.
- Lymphocyte.
- Eosinophils.

- Waffle. Elastic
- .
They are most abundant in connective tissue. are constituted by a scleroprotein called collagen.
fibers Waffle:
collagen fibers are very thin.
Elastic Fibers:
are thinner than the fibers of elastic fibers easily give colágeno.Las the minimum traction and can be stretched.
The main component is the protein elastin.
Found in: arterial walls, bronchi, bronchioles, ligaments yellow ligaments vocalesy spine.
fundamental substance.
is clear, colorless and homogeneous.
is formed mainly by: glycosaminoglycans and glycoproteins .
- Connective Tissue Types and location:
- Connective tissue mucous. Is forming pulp cartilaginous intervertebral discs.
-areolar or loose connective tissue. Located as part of the dermis of the skin and in the stroma of the organs like the liver, spleen, etc.
- dense connective tissue. Located as part of some layers of the skin) dermis and epidermis).
- Connective tissue fat. It is found mainly in the subcutaneous tissue.
- reticular connective tissue. As part of the stroma of organs like the spleen.
- elastic connective tissue. Located in the walls of blood vessels as large arteries in ligaments and the vocal cords.
- Connective tissue bone and cartilage. Forms the skeleton and joints.
mucosal connective tissue:
Appears in the normal development and differentiation of connective tissues.
is the main component umbilical cord. An Appeal Wharton jelly .
is found in the nucleus pulposus of intervertebral discs and dental pulp.
forms an elastic cushion to protect against the pressure surrounding structures.
- loose connective tissue or areolar:
has abundant ground substance.
Rich in cells of various tipos.Fibras collagen and elastic thin and sparse. Fill the spaces between the fibers and make musculares.Se in the skin, mucous membranes and glands in .
loose connective tissue is delicate consistency, flexible and very resistant to traction.
dense connective tissue:
predominant collagen fibers . The cells are escasas.Se tissue is less flexible and much more resistant to traction.
Classified as:
regular dense connective tissue:
Contains fibers and grouped close together and parallel to each other to form structures with high resistance to stress. is found in ligaments, joints and wrap a few wraps of the organs.
irregular dense connective tissue:
is presented in the form of hojas.Las fibers interlock to form a mesh-resistant.
is located in the dermis and most organs wrappers.
Its functions:
- Resist the pressure from all directions .
- Protects fragile bodies.
reticular connective tissue:
is mainly found in the bone marrow, spleen and lymph nodes.
Their function is
- Hold for cell phones.
- important in filtering the blood.
elastic connective tissue:

connective tissue adipose
variety of loose connective tissue. Fat cells are numerous and very pressed together. has a small amount of elastic fibers, reticular and collagen .
- Mechanics: fill gaps and reduce the effect pressures.

connective tissue functions:
- serves as a vehicle for the vessels, nerves and excretory ducts . Transportation.
- Has mechanical functions Hold and barrier .
- healing and repair of tissues
- defending the body against harmful infectious agents or other
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