The nervous tissue is scattered by the body interrelate and forming a communication network is the nervous system.
is composed of neurons that are specialized cells in the electrochemical conduction of nerve impulses.
- It originates from the ectoderm.
Its main components are cells surrounded by scarce intercellular material.
is located at the Central Nervous System and Peripheral Nervous System .
is formed by:- Cells
neurons or nerve cells.
Neuroglia or supporting cells.

nerve cells or neurons.
are the functional cells of nervous tissue. Are interconnected to form networks.
- The cell body includes the cytoplasm and nucleus.
- The dendrites. The function of dendrites is to receive stimuli from the environment, epitelialessensoriales cells or other neurons.
- The
axon or axis cylinder. The axon is the transmitter with respect
the nerve impulse, or transmitting the nerve impulse. This has the following structures.
- • myelin sheath.
- • cells Shwann .
- • Ranvier nodules.

Synapse: The
synapses (the gr. σύναψις, "link") are specialized junctions through which cells nervous system send signals to each other and non-neuronal cells such as muscle or glandular .
A synapse between a motor neuron and muscle cell called neuromuscular junction.
synapses allow neurons the central nervous system form a network of neural circuits.
In a prototypical synapse, such as those found in dendritic buttons , Cytoplasmic projections with mushroom from each cell, and in which both ends are crushed against each other. In this area, cell membranes of both cells were close together in a union that allows signaling molecules called neurotransmitters quickly switch to another cell by diffusion . The canal linking the postsynaptic neuron, is about 20 nm wide, and is known as synaptic cleft.

synapses are made between the axon of one neuron and the dendrites or the body of other neurons.
Classification of neurons:
According to the number of extensions.
- Unipolar or seudomonopolares .

According to its function.
- motor neuron. Carry
nerve impulse to the organs peripheral terminals.
- sensory neuron.receive momentum generated by stimulation and transported to the central nervous system.
- intermediate neuron.interconnect two neurons: a motor with a sensitive, sensitive to sensory, motor to another.
supporting cells.
surround the neurons and play support functions, defense, nutrition and adjusting the composition of intercellular material.

Nerve Fibers.
myelin formed by oligodendrocytes ( Melina).
nerve fibers are composed by grouping a large number of axons and these in turn are combined to form the nerves.
- Las aferentes llevan a los centros las informaciones procedentes del organismo y del medio ambiente.
- Las fibras eferentes transmiten impulsos de los centros nerviosos a los órganos efectores controlled by these centers.
- nerves may be sensory, motor and mostly mixed.
functions of nervous tissue:
- from collects information from sensory receptors .
process this information, providing memory system.
generates proper signals to
Effector cells

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