Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Simcity 4 Deluxe Updates


1.Afásia : Language default row to a brain injury that disrupts the use of precise rules for the production and / or understanding verbal language.
2.Agnosia : Defect higher nervous functions of perception by which afferents lose its specific character sign. Agnostic defect is not explained by fundamental changes in perception, global intellectual defects or disturbances in consciousness.
3.Agrafia : Disability in writing due to central brain lesions affecting the systems specifically related to the higher nervous function.
4.Agramatismo: aphasic disorder in which there is a defect in the conduct and language syntax that is observed in the course of the regression verbal, general reduction of vocabulary, reducing the number and simplification of syntactic structures, shortness of phrases with frequent juxtapositions and elisions substitutions (specifically affecting monemes grammar).
5.Anomia: variety of aphasia in which there is inability to name objects or to recognize their names.
6.Anquiloglosia: abnormal shortness of the frenulum of the tongue, which prevents movement of the joint.
speech 7.Apraxia : It is considered a failure of motor planning that manifests as a disability to perform complex motor acts, coordinated and sequential. Occur in the absence of paralysis or injury that prevents movement. It occurs in cases where the subject, although it intends to perform the act, no other segments can sequence involved in it (eg, articulation of phonemes, syllables, words), but movement can isolated from each other and have the linguistic representation of the phonemes involved.
8.Atáxia: voluntary movement disorder, which is uncoordinated, with preserved muscle strength. Alteration any of the mechanisms involved in the implementation of voluntary movement, determine the ataxia.
9.Atetosis: disorder characterized by continuous involuntary movements rather slow and quirky, primarily hands and fingers, usually due to an injury in the striatum.

10.Balbuceo: vice of language, where words are broken and slightly different.
11.Bradilalia: abnormal slowness language, slow articulation of words.

12.Cuerdas members: membranous bands of the larynx, through which produce speech sounds. They are divided into upper strings vestibulareso folds or false vocal folds or cords below or true.

13.Dactilología: mode of expression by signs made with fingers.
14.Disartria: disorder articulation of language due to organic lesions in the nucleus or central nervous system pathways.
15.Disfagia : Description of symptoms consisting of difficulty swallowing.
16.Disfemia : repetition of syllables or words, or work stoppages that disrupt jerky and verbal fluency stands for stuttering.
17.Disfonía: disorder of phonation, sometimes synonymous with hoarseness.
18.Disglosia: alteration or defect in the articulation of phonemes produced by anomalies, congenital or acquired, in the organs of speech. Diglossia distinguished dental, labial, lingual, jaw and palate.
19.Dislalia : failure to articulate the phonemes produced by a point or incorrect manner of articulation, without organic lesion in the phonetic unit. E

20.Ecolalia : automatic repetition of the words.
21.Electroglotografía: noninvasive method for the study of laryngeal muscle activity monitored by recording its electrical activity.
22.Espectrograma: log graph depicting the wave frequencies and amplitudes of each sinusoidal component of the complex sound. Glatzer
23.Espejo of : cold polished metal sheet held horizontally below the nose for determining the permeability of the nostrils.
24.Espirómetro: instrument to measure the air breathed or lung vital capacity. Laryngeal 25.Estroboscopia
: the study of the vibration of the vocal cords. This is a dynamic study that allows to observe the larynx in operation, using the effect of light in the form of intermittent flashes.

26.Fisura the palate: malformation in which the two lateral halves of the palate do not join in the midline, half of the cases associated with cleft lip.
27.Foniatría: treatment of defects of speech or voice.

28.Glotis: opening or enter the triangular space inferior or true vocal cords. H

29.Hipernasalidad: perceptible resonance of the nasal cavity which is caused by acoustic coupling of the nasopharynx and oropharynx through a esfíngervelo-pharyngeal incompetent to all sounds other than m, n and ñ.
30.Hiponasalidad: inability to articulate all those different sounds of m, n and ñ.

31.Ideograma: sign representing an idea or in some writing systems, a morpheme, a word or phrase.
32.Idioglosia : excessive verbal output, irregular and disorderly in a child, characterized by the introduction of many new words, but communicative purpose. The child is well ideoglósico their own language, their communication code, which must be interpreted by his listeners (adults or peers).
cochlear 33.Implante : electromedicinade is a high technology and precision that helps restore hearing in people with hair cells of the cocleadañadas stimulating electrical signals directly to ganglion cells. 34.Impostación
vocal: coordination of breathing with the issue articulated. Is to place the voice in resonant cavities to produce a different sound. J

35.Jerga: is the name given to a variety of speech distinct from the standard language and even incomprehensible to speakers of it, is generally used by marginal social groups.

36.Labio cleft: congenital fissure, especially the upper lip.
37.Lambdacismo : substitution in the spoken language of the r with l. Unable to properly pronounce the letter l.
38.Laringectomía : total or partial ablation of the larynx.
39.Lectura labial: is the ability of the speaker to interpret what he says.
40.Lenguaje of signs: lengua utilizada por los sordos para poder comunicarse sin dificultades.


41.Metrónomo: instrumento para medir o registrar periodos de tiempo.


42.Neologismo: invención de palabras nuevas u otorgación de nuevos significados a palabras ya existentes.

43.Nódulos vocales: pequeña formación redondeada que afecta a una o ambas cuerdas vocales e impide que su cierre sea completo, generando hiatus, pérdida de aire y disfonía concomitante.


corrección de los trastorno de la fonación.


45.Palabra supplemented: it is a system that makes possible to perceive speech complemented by the view through the simultaneous use of lip reading and a limited number of accessories manuals.
46.Palatógrafo : instrument used to record the movements of the soft palate in the act of speaking.
47.Parésia : mild paralysis of a muscle or a limb. Incomplete or slight paralysis of varying degree, of a muscle or limb. Progressive mental deterioration accompanied by paralysis as a result of a process of neurosyphilis.
48.Parafasia : aphasic defect characterized by the replacement of a linguistic unit with another (a phoneme with another, one word with another, etc).
cerebral 49.Parálisis : a disorder of posture and movement, not because of injury and irreversible degenerative brain, before its growth and development is completed which is usually accompanied by other problems such as hearing impairment and visual deformities and behavioral problems and sometimes mental retardation.
50.Perseveraciónafásica : The recurring productions perseveracionesson-offs previously produced any response. Eg, in color naming the patient says Brown for brown, then says pink for pink, but then for the blue color returns to say brown, and there is no way to get him out.
51.Pictograma: sign of cracks writing or symbols. 52.Pólipos
members: injury that affects the larynx, more specifically to one of the vocal cords and produces permanent dysphonia. The voice of the patient who has a polyp on one vocal cord may be normal for some tones and disfónicapara others.

53.Resonancia: prolongation and intensification of transmission of sound vibrations in a cavity, especially the sound produced by the percussion of it. Vocal sound perceived by auscultation. 54.Retraso
mental refers to substantial limitations in the current development. It is characterized by intellectual functioning significantly below average, which takes place together with limited partners in two or more of the following adaptive skill areas: communication, personal care, home living, social skills, use of communication, self-government, health and safety, functional academic skills, leisure and work. Mental retardation manifests before age eighteen.
55.Rotacismo: Conversion position intervocalic of s in r.

56.Sonógrafo: instrument used for measuring sound.

57.Tartamudez: Default suffering person who speaks broken speech and / or repeating syllables. 58.Tracto
vowel first approximation can be considered as a conduit whose cross section changes with position along its axis.
59.Trastorno autism: autism is considered a pervasive developmental disorder that begins in childhood, and disability is important in virtually all areas psychological and behavioral. This syndrome becomes evident during the first thirty months of age and leads to different degrees of alteration of language and communication, social skills and imagination and often, these symptoms are accompanied by abnormal behavior.
specific language 60.Trastorno : Todoinicio delayed and slowed any development language that can not be read in conjunction with a sensory deficit, motor, mental deficiency, disorder psychopathology, deprivation socioafectivani evident brain lesions.


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