What a wave! This publication is aimed at pregnant women and vitamins that have different regulatory functions in the body, so it is necessary not to neglect its contribution in the pregnancy, as well as vitamin supplements necessary as needs increase for some, necessary to protect the health and fetal development throughout pregnancy.
- Vitamin A
The Vitamin A deficiency is virtually nonexistent, although it should be hypervitaminosis note that may damage the embryo and fetus.
- Vitamin B6
With a balanced diet, not meet the needs of B6, so vitamin deficiencies affect the umbilical cord and milk. Vitamin B6 is useful for treating vomiting, and the hypertension induced by pregnancy.
- folic acid
been shown essential folic acid supplementation during pregnancy . This vitamin helps prevent neural tube defects and fetal spina bifida and anencephaly and reduce the risk of congenital abnormalities , not genetic. Vitamin A deficiency is associated with spontaneous abortion, low birth weight and premature births.
- Vitamin C
The deficiency of this vitamin is associated with preeclampsia-associated with pregnancy induced hypertension, and premature rupture of amniotic membranes, but should not exceed the dose we recommend, as a cause hypervitaminosis infant scurvy.
- Vitamin D
vitamin D deficiency is not common, and that is synthesized in the skin through the sun's rays. The maternal vitamin D deficiency and thus the fetus, can lead to neonatal hypocalcemia and infantile enamel hypoplasia and osteomalacia of the mother. Hypervitaminosis of vitamin D may harm the fetus. Vegetarian women not taking calcium or vegans should take a supplement of vitamin D.
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