That wave! There animal behaviors that attract attention, so similar to human action. Other frankly impact, as the case of the gorilla Gana Muenster Zoo, Germany, whom the Last weekend faced the death of her baby. The scene shocked both experts and tourists: the mother monkey was holding the small Claudio, 3 months, who declined could be seen for days. Earn suddenly began to moan. He looked at his son and raised him, whose arms and hung his head and lifeless: Wine animal crying.
"Claudio died in the arms of his mother, we think of heart failure "said Joerg Adler, director of the zoo. Without resigning, Ghana still walks around with her dead child. On Monday, park officials wanted to remove it for the autopsy and it aggressively, they are prevented. The strange case of the gorilla, now weeping for Claudio, but last year rejected a daughter and had to be moved from zoo.
"Claudio died in the arms of his mother, we think of heart failure "said Joerg Adler, director of the zoo. Without resigning, Ghana still walks around with her dead child. On Monday, park officials wanted to remove it for the autopsy and it aggressively, they are prevented. The strange case of the gorilla, now weeping for Claudio, but last year rejected a daughter and had to be moved from zoo.
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